My Cousin Vinny
At a glance...
- Directed by Jonathan Lynn
- Released in 1992
- Runtime 120 minutes
- Watched at home
- Final feelings: felt a little humorless this go around
No idea why this time watching this film the vibes were just not as good. Marisa Tomei is as compelling as ever and I really just wanted her to be the whole movie. This time around I kept thinking they exonerated these kids in-part by finding the other people who actually drove the real stolen car, which means immediately after the cheers and celebration of our friendly neighborhood Italians and also the poor, hapless Ambiguously Jewish boyfriend, those two strangers would get thrown in the chair and all the execution jokes turned a little sour for me. I loved this movie the first couple times I saw it and it's a favorite of my dad's, this time I just didn't want to stay in the realm of the comedic and I'm not sure why! It was a weird start of the month for me I guess!